Houtman's Friendly Computer Service of Wabash
At Houtman's Friendly Computer Service in Wabash, we take care of your computer needs whether you're a home user or a small business. Expert in-house, or on-site support for computers, networks, and printers at reasonable rates. Call 260 563-7163. HFCS is your friendly tech support for Kokomo, Warsaw, Bluffton, and more. Our staff brings you 20 years experience, CompTIA A+ and CNA Certification.
Let your problem meet our solution
We specialize in data recovery, slow computers, most LaserJet printer brands and a wide range of Plotters. We also sell the computer equipment that you need.
Your one stop for Computer/Printer Support
- Our expertise in working with the small business and home users ensures that our solution is scaled to meet your needs.
- Factory certified on HP LaserJet, Inkjet printers, and Plotters.
- We take time to explain things in plain English.